Date: Sunday 23 June 2019
Event: NPS XC Round 4
Venue: Castlewellan Forest Park
Host club: Banbridge CC
This is the third round of the 2019 Ulster XC series and also doubles up as the fourth round of the National Point Series (NPS).
Course Description:
This course will be based along the lines of the 2018 National championships with modifications made which will hopefully improve the course even further. The course is a mixture of trail centre tracks, open grass and natural single track. It also has 4 sections of fire road along with the start/finish area on each lap which will enhance overtaking. There is a good mix of trail centre tracks and natural tracks with fire roads well spread around the course to facilitate overtaking.
NOTE: The course is only open for riding during the weekend of the event when the trail centre tracks will be closed.
NOTE 2: The course uses natural trails through the forest with kind permission from the land owners and managers. Once the race is over the club would ask riders not to use these natural trails. Their further use could jeopardise the race being held again in the forest next year. Your co-operation would be appreciated.
Course map: to follow
Car parking, bike wash and toilets all at the trail head as well as the play park for the younger ones.
Race Timing: Laptop timing for Under 8s up to Seniors
Directions: Castlewellan Forest
Located adjacent to the town of Castlewellan, Co Down
Click here to view in google maps
Co-ordinates: N 54.258506, W 5.942659
Race Timetable:
09:00 – Sign on opens
10:00 – Under 6s fun race
10:15 – Under 8s
10:30 – Under 10s
10:50 – Under 12s
11:15 – Prize giving for U8s, U10s and U12s
12:00 – Under 16s, Senior 4 men, Senior 2 women, Senior 3 women, Under 14s
13:30 – Prize giving for U14s, U16s, S2 women, S3 women and S4 men
14:00 – Senior 1 men, Juniors, Senior 1 women, Senior 2 men, Senior 3 men
15:45 – Prize giving for S1, S2 and S3 men, Juniors and S1 women
Senior beginners (S3 women – S4 men)
The sport will only grow when we attract new people to give cross-country racing a ‘go’.
For 2019 both the Senior 4 men and Senior 3 women have a reduced entry fee as per a proposal passed at the 2017 Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission AGM.
Also for 2019 the Senior 3 women’s race will share the Under 14s course as per a proposal passed at the 2017 Cycling Ireland Off-road Commission AGM.
Both the Senior 4 men and Senior 3 women’s races should last less than 60 minutes.
Under 6 race
The Under 6s race is just for fun. It is an introduction to off-road racing. It is all about the achievement of starting and finishing. If your child can complete the course with ease and is ready for the next challenge please have them try the Under 8s race instead. There is no lower age limit on the Under 8s race.
Practice times
For the main course
09:00 – 11:45
13:15 – 13:45
Practice time will be available on the Saturday afternoon. 3 pm to 5 pm.
A and B lines
Where the course presents “A” and “B” line options, riders should take the line according to their ability. Participants who opt for the “A” line must not deliberately dismount, run or walk through the feature. Those who do so may be subject to time penalty or disqualification.
Race Fees:

Juniors: £10 (€10)
Under 14s & Under 16s: £5 (€5)
Under 8s, 10s & 12s: £2 (€2)
Under 6s fun race: £1 (€1)
Pre-registration: – Opening 8 pm 12 June 2019
Until 21 June 2019 (8 pm)

To see who has entered click on the link here. (Password to open – “Castlewellan”)
Gridding: The first few rows will be based on the current league table (here) with remaining rows based on the time of registration.
Catering: Food will be available after the races.

Notes: Ensure bicycles are in good working order and that bar-ends have been fitted.
No electric bikes or motorised bicycles permitted.
No cyclo-cross bicycles permitted.
Facilities: Castlewellan Forest
Car parking: On grass close to Race HQ. Please note Castlewellan has a one way system and as you leave you will have to pass the pay kiosk but you won’t have to pay. Observe instructions from car park attendants.
Toilets: In main forest park car park
Showers: Only available if you are camping
Bike wash: In main forest park car park (£1 fee)
Café: Yes in main forest park
Gazebos: Are welcome close to the course
Camping: A campsite is available on Forest Service site.
Race organiser: Gareth McKee (email)
Contact number: 07716 034560